(Wikipedia: 粒子フィルタ – Wikipedia)
尤度(ゆうど:もっともらしさ)は “赤色らしさ” とします。
Particle Filter – wonderfl build flash online
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package { import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.NetStatusEvent; import flash.media.Video; import flash.net.NetConnection; import flash.net.NetStream; public class Main extends Sprite { private var screen:Bitmap; private var upper:Vector.<int>; private var lower:Vector.<int>; private var noise:Vector.<int>; private var num:int; private var tracker:ParticleFilter; private var point:Shape; private var source:String = "test.f4v"; private var connection:NetConnection; private var stream:NetStream; private var video:Video; public function Main():void { stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; screen = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(465, 348, false, 0)); addChild(screen); var w:int = screen.width; var h:int = screen.height; upper = new <int>[w, h, 10, 10]; // upper boundary for each dimension lower = new <int>[0, 0, -10, -10]; // lower . noise = new <int>[30, 30, 10, 10]; // noise . num = 300; // number of particle tracker = new ParticleFilter(num, w, h, upper, lower, noise); point = new Shape(); point.graphics.beginFill(0x0099ff); point.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 5); point.graphics.endFill(); addChild(point); // show initial sample set (particles) var data:Vector.<uint> = screen.bitmapData.getVector(screen.bitmapData.rect); for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { var x:int = tracker.samples[i].x[0]; var y:int = tracker.samples[i].x[1]; data[y*w + x] = 0xffffff; } screen.bitmapData.setVector(screen.bitmapData.rect, data); connection = new NetConnection(); connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, checkConnect); connection.connect(null); } private function checkConnect(e:NetStatusEvent):void { removeEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, arguments.callee); if(e.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") { stream = new NetStream(connection); stream.client = {}; video = new Video(screen.width, screen.height); video.attachNetStream(stream); stream.play(source); }else { trace(e.info.code); } } private function update(e:Event):void { try { var bmpData:BitmapData = screen.bitmapData; bmpData.draw(video); var data:Vector.<uint> = bmpData.getVector(bmpData.rect); // apply particle filter tracker.resample(); tracker.predict(); tracker.weight(data); // show result (weighted mean) var result:Particle = tracker.measure(); point.x = result.x[0]; point.y = result.x[1]; // show particles for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { var x:int = tracker.samples[i].x[0]; var y:int = tracker.samples[i].x[1]; data[y*screen.width + x] = 0xffffff; } bmpData.setVector(bmpData.rect, data); }catch(e:RangeError) { // ignore } } } } |
・ParticleFilter.as (パーティクルフィルタ)
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package { public class ParticleFilter { private var dim:int; private var num:int; private var w:int; private var h:int; private var upper:Vector.<int>; private var lower:Vector.<int>; private var noise:Vector.<int>; public var samples:Vector.<Particle>; public function ParticleFilter(num:int, w:int, h:int, upper:Vector.<int>, lower:Vector.<int>, noise:Vector.<int>) { this.dim = 4; this.num = num; this.w = w; this.h = h; this.upper = upper; this.lower = lower; this.noise = noise; this.samples = new Vector.<Particle>(num, true); // initializes the sample set. for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { var p:Particle = new Particle(); for(var j:int=0; j<dim; j++) { var r:int = int(Math.random()*32767); p.x[j] = r%(upper[j] - lower[j]) + lower[j]; } p.w = 1.0/num; samples[i] = p; } } /* returns the weighted mean as estimated result. */ public function measure():Particle { var result:Particle = new Particle(); var x:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(dim, true); for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { x[0] += samples[i].x[0]*samples[i].w; x[1] += samples[i].x[1]*samples[i].w; x[2] += samples[i].x[2]*samples[i].w; x[3] += samples[i].x[3]*samples[i].w; } for(var k:int=0; k<dim; k++) { result.x[k] = int(x[k]); } return result; } /** * estimates the subsequent model state, * based on linear uniform motion. */ public function predict():void { for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { // update random noise var n:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(dim, true); var max:Number = 32367; n[0] = int(Math.random()*max%(noise[0]*2) - noise[0]); n[1] = int(Math.random()*max%(noise[1]*2) - noise[1]); n[2] = int(Math.random()*max%(noise[2]*2) - noise[2]); n[3] = int(Math.random()*max%(noise[3]*2) - noise[3]); // update state var v:Vector.<int> = samples[i].x; v[0] += v[2] + n[0]; v[1] += v[3] + n[1]; v[2] = n[2]; v[3] = n[3]; if(v[0] < lower[0]) v[0] = lower[0]; if(v[1] < lower[1]) v[1] = lower[1]; if(v[2] < lower[2]) v[2] = lower[2]; if(v[3] < lower[3]) v[3] = lower[3]; if(v[0] >= upper[0]) v[0] = upper[0]; if(v[1] >= upper[1]) v[1] = upper[1]; if(v[2] >= upper[2]) v[2] = upper[2]; if(v[3] >= upper[3]) v[3] = upper[3]; } } /* resampling based on sample's weight. */ public function resample():void { // accumulate weight var w:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(num, true); w[0] = samples[0].w; for(var i:int=1; i<num; i++) { w[i] = w[i - 1] + samples[i].w; } var pre:Vector.<Particle> = Vector.<Particle>(samples); for(var j:int=0; j<num; j++) { var darts:Number = (Math.random()*32767%10000)/10000.0; for(var k:int=0; k<num; k++) { if(darts>w[k]) { continue; }else { // resampling samples[j].x[0] = pre[k].x[0]; // x samples[j].x[1] = pre[k].x[1]; // y samples[j].x[2] = pre[k].x[2]; // u samples[j].x[3] = pre[k].x[3]; // v samples[j].w = 0.0; break; } } } } /* calculates the likelifood for each sample (red color). */ public function weight(img:Vector.<uint>):void { var sum:Number = 0.0; for(var i:int=0; i<num; i++) { var x:int = samples[i].x[0]; var y:int = samples[i].x[1]; var pos:int = y*w + x; if(pos < w*h) { samples[i].w = likelifood(img[pos]); }else { samples[i].w = 0.0001; } sum += samples[i].w; } // normalize for(var j:int=0; j<num; j++) { samples[j].w /= sum; } } private function likelifood(value:uint):Number { var sigma:Number = 50.0; var r:uint = value >> 16 & 0xff; var g:uint = value >> 8 & 0xff; var b:uint = value & 0xff; var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(b*b + g*g + (255 - r)*(255 - r)); return 1.0/(Math.sqrt(2.0*Math.PI)*sigma)*Math.exp(-dist*dist/(2.0*sigma*sigma)); } } } |
・Particle.as (サンプル点)
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package { public class Particle { public var x:Vector.<int>; // vector of state (x, y, u, v) public var w:Number; // weight public function Particle() { x = new Vector.<int>(4, true); w = 0.0; } } } |
Flashの馬力だと、サンプル数 1000 以上はちょっと厳しそうです。
CiNii 論文 – 粒子フィルタ
Tutorial/Practice0 MIST Project
opencv.jp – OpenCV: 推定器(Estimators)サンプルコード –
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